Melissa’s flash fiction story ‘Feels like Heaven’, about how to achieve smashed avo on toast after a volcanic eruption is included in this anthology of hopeful endings, published by SpicFecNZ.
Science fiction meets dessert
Melissa is very happy to announce that her short story ‘First Pav on Mars’ is included in the newly released coffee table book of art, poetry and stories, Pav Deconstructed. If it’s related to pavlova, it’s probably in this book!
Award winning short story
Climate fiction can be a powerful climate solution. It invites us to look beyond the current moment to envision the world that could be, and empowers us to work toward it. The winners of this year’s Imagine 2200 short story contest from Grist are not afraid to explore the challenges ahead, but offer hope that we can work together to build a more sustainable and just world. Through rich characters, lovingly sketched settings, and gripping plots, these stories welcome you into futures that celebrate who we are and what we can become. Melissa is thrilled to be a finalist in this short story contest. Read her story, and all the stories now:
Radio interview
Melissa had 7 minutes of fame on RNZ Radio National! Listen to the interview (discussing her story ‘A gift of coconuts’ and her science background) here:
As the information she obtains leads her closer to the person who killed her ex, she finds herself obliged to moonlight as an arborist, a job she’s really not cut out for. Can she find the murderer, or will it be too hard to separate the wood from the trees?
After a violent storm, Freya and her family are set adrift in a world where the weather comes with attitude, and rising sea levels are as much about personality clashes as climate change. School isn’t a walk in the park either, not when Freya’s classmates could be demigods, trolls or wares